Blossom, Dewed

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Blossom, Dewed
Blossom, Dewed.png
Type: Daily Quest
Requirements: Level 4, Completing The Eternal Blossom, Accepting Tend to the Eternal Blossom Quest
Starting location: Domhan Meadows
Quest Giver Elvira

Eternal Trimming, 50 Experience

Related Quests The Eternal Blossom, Tend to the Eternal Blossom
Patch Added: 0.5.0
Elvira needs extra help tending to the Eternal Blossom. Helping her out will make our blossom grow faster!
-Journal entry

This is one out of daily 3 quests for the Tend to the Eternal Blossom. Completing this task will increment Tend to the Eternal Blossom's completion by 1.


  • 0/1
Legend has it that Domhan Forest contains a dew that will help our blossom grow faster.
-Journal entry
  • 0/1 Apply the Dew
I found the special dew from Domhan Forest. I just need to apply it to the Eternal Blossom sprout.
-Journal entry

Completing this quest grants a step towards completion of the Tend to the Eternal Blossom quest.